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COSMOMK 联合创办人 | 首席执行官

COSMOMK Co-Founder | CEO

数字现象™️ - 开创性发现的先驱

Numbers Phenomena™️ - The Pioneer who made groundbreaking discoveries

数字组合分析™️ - 发明与开发者

Numbers Combinations Analysis™️ - Inventor and Developer

个体信息研究中心 - 研究总监

Unique Individual Information Research Centre - Chief Director of Research

个体生命研究室- 研究总监

Unique Individual Life Labs - Chief Director of Research

​原名: 戴金洛

Dai Xin Ai is a researcher of Numbers Phenomena. She has been developing the phenomenology of numbers from a multidimensional perspective for more than ten years. She is devoting all her time, energy and resources to the research and development of Numbers phenomena analysis, forecasts, applications, education and precise solutions. 

Specializing in the research and development of numbers combination analysis, understanding of every phenomenon in life, comprehensive precise interpretation of the role of unique numbers in all aspects of our lives.

"If life can be redefined" is a phrase that Ms. Dai often says, she has practiced and uphold this phrase with more than ten years of experience. Over the years, Dai Xin Ai has been committed to the protection and promotion of Numbers Phenomena professionalism, research and standards, and promoted the cultivation of talents and academic inheritance.

After years of perseverance and dedication in research and personal experimentation, Dai Xin Ai summarized the impact of Numbers phenomena on the nature of life and wrote the book “Numbers Phenomena - Humans", which became the world's first book to show all aspects of the essence of life with two-digit and three-digit combination of numbers around us.

Dai Xin Ai had conducted thousands of seminars and workshops to lead, educate and inspire humans to learn and understand scientifically the truth of numbers in relation to the nature and foundation of human life, and improving life value through the roots.

Ms Dai had formulated CosmoMK consultations, courses and solutions to serve families and enterprises from Singapore, China, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, etc. Always inspiring them to recognize the importance of Numbers phenomena in their lives and provide total improvements in all areas. 

​Dai Xin Ai has the pure heart for the world and unconditional love to be continuous on the path of helping others.

Everyone who met Ms. Dai are touched by her kindness, Indepth analysis and solutions. 

Cofounding CosmoMK with Fan Li Chen, CosmoMK lifelong mission is to give every life an opportunity to chose, control and improve their life through Numbers Phenomena. 

Through research and industry applications of Numbers Phenomena to create True Value and contribute to entire humankind. 

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Dato Sri, Justice of Peace, Darjah Kerabat

COSMOMK 创办人|执行董事

COSMOMK Founder|Executive Director


数字组合分析™️ - 研发与开发者

Numbers Combinations Analysis™️ - Research and Development

个体信息研究中心 - 执行总监

Unique Individual Information Research Centre - Executive Director

个体生命研究室- 执行总监

Unique Individual Life Labs - Executive Director



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Singapore Kwangtung Hui Kuan - 

Honorary President|Director

新加坡广东会馆 - 荣誉会长|董事

Royal Puri Ageng Blahbatuh Bali Indonesia - 

Royal Ambassador Asia 

印尼巴厘岛 - 皇室大使

GEDF Global Economic Development Forum - 

Singapore President 

全球经济发展论坛 - 新加坡会长 


Federation of Merchants Associations Singapore FMAS

Honorary President

新加坡全国商联总会 - 荣誉会长

Federation of Arts Societies Singapore

Honorary Life Advisor 

新加坡美术总会 - 永久荣誉顾问 

Asia Pacific Elite Entrepreneurs Association -

Honorary President 

亚太杰出企业家协会 - 荣誉会长

Singapore Wui Chiu Fui Kun - Vice President

新加坡惠州会馆 - 副会长

Federation of Nanyang Khek - Director

南洋客属总会 - 董事

SinArt Singapore International Arts Festival -

Honorary Advisor 

新加坡国际美术节 - 荣誉顾问 ​​

Spirit of Enterprise Award Honoree - Singapore 2019 

新加坡企业精神奖获奖者 - 2019


Asia Pacific Top 50 Most Influential Entrepreneur Awards (Macau) - 2019

亚太区最有影响力企业家50强 (澳门) - 2019

Top 100 International Business Style Awards (Vietnam) - 2019

100 强国际商业风格奖 (越南) - 2019

World Outstanding Young Leader Award | 全球傑出青年領袖奖 (中国香港) - 2018


Asia Top Leaders Award (Malaysia) - 2018 | 亚洲最高领袖奖 (马来西亚) - 2018

International Prestige Brand Award (Malaysia) - 2018

国际声望品牌奖 (马来西亚) - 2018

Asia Top Business Award (Singapore) - 2016 | 亚洲最佳商业奖 (新加坡) - 2016


Excellent Entrepreneur Award – Special Achiever (Malaysia) - 2016

优秀企业家奖 – 特别成就者 (马来西亚) - 2016

Singapore Philanthropist Award - 2014 | 新加坡慈善家奖 - 2014

Asia Top Outstanding Enterprise - 2014 | 亚洲最佳杰出企业 - 2014

Brands for Good - 2014 | 最佳好品牌奖 - 2014

World Outstanding Chinese Entrepreneur | 世界傑出青年華商奖 (Macau) - 2014

Role Model of the Year – Best Partnership Award (Beijing China) - 2014

华人楷模最佳合作伙伴奖 (中国北京) - 2014

Singapore Progress Gold Award - 2013 | 新加坡进步金奖 - 2013

Singapore Brands Award - 2012/2013 | 新加坡品牌奖 - 2012/2013

Promising SME 500 - 2012 | 500最有潜力的企业 - 2012

Successful Entrepreneur 2012/2013 | 成功企业家奖 2012/2013

Top 30 Respected Enterprises - 2012 | 最受尊敬企业30强 - 2012

Asia Pacific Brands Award - Singapore Finest 2012 | 亚太品牌奖 - 新加坡最佳 2012

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Fan Li Chen Fams had over 19 years of experience in entrepreneurship, management and marketing where he held various regional leadership positions. His business expansions and experiences span across Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong and China. 

From an average family, 1998 Asian financial crisis and the passing on of his dad had a deep impact on him. He worked multiple odd jobs while studying in Ngee Ann Polytechnic (Diploma-Business) and Singapore Management University (Bachelor-Business Management) He works triple hard and maximize all his time in personal development, business breakthroughs and giving back to society. 

"Positive Thoughts, Speech, Actions. When one is simple, the world is simple. When one is kind, the world become better."  Fams strongly believes in the importance of positive values and education. Founded Positive Academy ( in 2013, he had conducted thousands of workshops and build a positive community in SE Asia. He discovered that no matter how we do our best to educate and impact, every individual is totally different, their mentality, habits, family, environment will affect the individual thoughts and inner world. Only CosmoMK Numbers Phenomena can clearly identify, analyze and provide customized effective solutions.  


Founded IEM ( in 2014, he spearheaded top class business conventions and resources matching deals.  Gaining vast insights from regional business and industry leaders, he identified that the leadership and decision making is vital to the success and sustainability. How do majority of leaders make decisions? By acumen or sixth sense? How do we see through clearly every project or person? We need to study a factor that is nonbiased, unique, test of time and encompass everyone in the world! = Numbers. 

Diving into dedicated research, experiment and development of Numbers Phenomena with Cofounder Dai Xin Ai is the greatest committed decision he had ever made.  Through numbers analysis of one individual, we can identify millions of precise information from core areas physical health, mental health, ability, mindset, family, relationship, hobby, wealth, career, and list goes on) This comprehensive information can value add and transform all major industry applications. (Strategy, HR selection, training, succession, Education, Matchmaking, Legal, Big Data analytics, AI, Metaverse, Finance, Crime prevention, Real Estate, and every industry with numbers or humans)

Amazed by the insights and applications of CosmoMK, Fams is committed to dedicate his life to expand the research, development and applications of CosmoMK to every country. every industry and every human being.   

Meet The Team

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Anna Chin

Jasper Leo 1314

Jasper Leo

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Selva SK

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Mok Goh

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Mason Sim

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Edmoms Tan

#thankful  Welcome to engage our Certified Numbers Consultants ​

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Chan CS

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Don Chua 

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Numbers Phenomena™️ 

CosmoMK hotline: MON - FRI 10.13AM - 8.13PM

Please make appointments in advance. Thank you

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 +65 8868 7657 



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