Upon birth, we would be allocated an Identification number that is unique and independent.
This set of numbers will follow us throughout the rest of our lives thus reflecting our life from age 0 to the day we pass on.
Unlike the Identification number, we only use our passports whenever we travel overseas.
Our passport number represents all attractions whenever we travel overseas.
On a side note, majority of countries change the passport number whenever it renews in the validity date.
As technology advances, our reliance on technology is constantly becoming heavier. Our mobile phones have been the main go to in our daily lives as it encompasses almost everything we do.
Mobile number has the highest accuracy and application as it is the most frequently used daily.
The Ultra Rich had bided millions for so-called auspicious numbers. Eg 1688888 Through over ten years of research, experiment and analysis, CosmoMK discovered that every number combination is totally different and cover all areas of life. Please do not make assumptions of a so-called lucky number, most important it must be suitable for the person using it.
Pin / Alphanumeric Password
With increasing technology and applications,
majority of tasks can be done with our mobile phone.
To ensure security, we will have to key in our passwords with high frequency usage.
Example: Devices lock pin, payment, Email, social media,
Majority of clients that want to be in control and improve their life have applied for CosmoMK life code upgrade solution. This Life code can be customized accordingly to the client requirements, status and all areas of life.
The registration number directly reflects the journey of the organization. Many top organisations have engaged CosmoMK Services to apply for tailor made numbers or qualify which entity to invest in.
Areas of analysis:
Cashflow and Profitability
Market share
Innovations or Unexpected changes
Company Culture
Human Capital Management
Lifespan of the company
Will the unit create love, joy and harmony?
The unit number will affect everyone staying inside.
eg: sleep quality, mood, attention, relationship, harmony
The type of industry its organization is in.
The culture of the employees
The professionalism of the employees
The flow, type and quality of customers attracted.
The way of communication between one another.
The cleanliness of the organization within.
Do engage CosmoMK corporate consultation before investing or renting any real estate. Timing is Critical!
As of 2022, 4.7 billion people uses social media with average
daily time spent = 2 hours 27 minutes per day!
With increase in online and digital activities, the ID will cover the following:
The people that are attracted to our profiles.
The conversations the other party would engage with you.
One's popularity or followership.
Filled with naysayers or benefactors?
Types of clients and business dealings?
Every individual or organization will need to go digital and create their digital brand presence and following.
Do apply for CosmoMK Courses so that you can understand own self and others (suppliers, clients, followers, stakeholders) better, also be able to well position all your digital and marketing campaigns to generate the best results!
On average, drivers spend 50.6 minutes per day driving.
The car plate number directly affects one's safety, mood, attention, driving patterns on the road.
It determines if someone is prone to Accidents/Fines/Speeding etc.
Vehicle plate number also reflects one's career and business advancement opportunities.